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A TugaOutlet é de confiança?

Sim, a TugaOutlet é uma plataforma totalmente de confiança. Orgulhamo-nos de ter servido mais de 10.000 clientes satisfeitos e acumulado mais de 1.000 feedbacks positivos que atestam a qualidade dos nossos produtos e a excelência do nosso serviço ao cliente. Para ver o que os nossos clientes estão dizendo sobre nós, convidamo-lo a visitar a nossa página de feedbacks (clique aqui). Lá, poderá ler testemunhos reais e ver por si mesmo como nos empenhamos em garantir a melhor experiência de compra para todos os nossos clientes.

How many days will it take until I receive my order?

Standard delivery time is between 10 to 15 working days. However, in some exceptional situations, it may take up to a maximum of 25 working days.

What payment methods are accepted?

Automatic payment methods:
Debit/Credit Card

SEPA Bank Transfer (choose Stripe and then on the stripe page you can choose between card or transfer).

Manual payment methods:
Entity and Reference

How can I clarify my doubts?

You can contact us through our Instagram (@TugaOutlet) or via Whatsapp: +351 932 553 579.
We also have messenger @tugaoutlet.

Can I make returns?

Yes, only for defective items. We do not accept returns within a maximum of 3 days of receiving the order. The item must be in the original packaging and in the same condition as when you received it.

How can I wash it to preserve my shirt?

Hand wash;
Do not iron;
Do not use detergents/softeners;
Avoid sun exposure when drying;
If washing in the machine, use only cold water;

Where can I find the store's current promotions and discounts?

To stay up to date with our promotions, you can follow us on Instagram. Additionally, we have a dedicated page on our website that lists all available coupons. (tugaoutletshop.com/promocoes). Visit here to see all current offers!